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Sixteen additional lines of verse for Juvenal's Satire VI, headed ‘Verse written by mr Dryden in his Translation of the Sixth Satyr: but omitted in ye printed coppy’, written on the end-paper of an exemplum of the first edition; these lines correspond to sixteen of the seventeen lines in DrJ 173. End of 17th century.
DrJ 174.8: John Dryden, The Satires of Decimus Junius Juvenalis (‘Still shall I hear, and never quit the Score’)
First published (‘…together with the Satires of Aulus Persius Flaccus’) in London, ‘1693’ [i.e. 1692] (as ‘By Mr. Dryden, and Several other Eminent Hands’, Dryden's contribution being the prefatory ‘Discourse concerning Satire’ and Satires I, III, VI, X and XVI). Kinsley, II, 599-740 (Dryden's contributions). California, IV, 2-252 (Dryden's contributions). Hammond, IV, 3-137.